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Offering over 20 DVDs For Your Enjoyment:
Price: $xx / DVD
Special Promotion: Order 4, Get the 5th One FREE!
WCS Fundamentals and variations 1, 2, & 3
WCS Breaks and Hesitations 1, 2, 3, & 4
WCS Men's Styling
WCS Intermediate & advanced patterns & combinations 1, 2, 3, & 4
WCS Dips, Tricks, Leans, and Leverages (For couples only)
Cha Cha Beginner/Intermediate
Night Club 2 Step Beg/Int
WCS Syncopations 1 & 2
WCS Connection Technique
WCS Women's Styling
WCS Warm-up & Isolations
Spins and Turns Technique
Cha Cha Intermediate/Advanced

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